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* Lists lots of information about all available volumes (like disks).
  These columns mean:
  NAME: Name of the device containing the volume
  UNIT: Unitnumber, not very interesting
  SYS:  Filesystem, can be one of:
        OFS : Oldfilesystem (old fashioned and slow)
        FFS : Fastfilesystem (needs OS2.0+)
        INO/INF : International OFS/FFS
        DCO/DCF : Directory Cache OFS/FFS (needs OS3.0+)
        MSD : CrossDOS Filesystem (MessyDOS)
        ??? : Unknown
  SIZE: Maximum useable size of the Volume in KBytes (1024 Bytes)
  FREE: Free/useable size in KBytes
  FULL: Ratio between used size and maximum size
  BLOCK: Size of a single block in Bytes
  STATUS: Says if it is possible to write to that volume
  ERR:  Number of soft errors, I only saw 0 yet
  VOLUME: Name of the volume (name of the disk).
* Note: It would not make sense to show the free size in Bytes,
  because space can only be allocated in whole blocks and one
  block is at least 488 Bytes large.

eg.     info